Score with Tron – NSFW

The Nerdy Bird shares with us a very provocative set of videos that Disney sure as hell didn’t approve of.

Learn sexual positions from the programs of Tron. Its ok, you can pretend you didn’t watch them later.

Check out the video at WonderHowto

I love how dirty they make the computer terminology sound. File Transfer, USB Port, Dongle File embedding, Creating a program… its all so naughty.

Now quick, turn it off your boss is going to catch you and you do not want to have to explain why you were watching Tron characters getting their interface on.

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2 thoughts on “Score with Tron – NSFW

  1. Ahhhhhhhhhh! It’s robo porn! Digital Interfaces merging with each other, oh the humanity! Wow, this is funny and very odd for me, I feel like I should place an anti-virus joke in here somehow but not sure how to pull it off, hmmmm.

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