Bryan Singer to Direct First Class

Looks like fanboy rage has won again. The man who utlimately rescued superhero films from the fate that Joel Schumacher’s bat nipples left it in will be returning to the X-Fold.

Bryan Singer will direct X-Men: First Class

IGN Movies shares:

Singer was asked about his upcoming projects. After mentioning his next film, Jack the Giant Killer, Singer then let loose the big news, saying, “I just yesterday signed a deal to do an X-Men: First Class origins picture, which is kind of cool. I’m very excited.”

Kind of cool? I am sorry… kind of?

I figured it was only a matter of time before Singer returned to the massive hitfactory that his X-Men films have become after he gave up the opportunity to do X3 and it then became the most criticized film in the franchise. Thankfully for Brett Ratner, Gavin Wood trumped him with X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Should be interesting to see an X-Film that isn’t about Wolverine though. I know he is the most popular of all the X-Men, but honestly… there has been 4 films in the franchise thus far and everything spirals around his character. Let’s move on.

After nearly half a century of X-Men comics you would think they could find something else to show.

Josh Schwartz, who is credited with already having written First Class (and one of my fav TV Shows Chuck) hasn’t revealed who the cast will be, however it might spin off of the cameo appearance of Charles Xavier in Origins: Wolverine in which a group of young kidnapped mutants – Cyclops included – make their getaway in his Helicopter.

I could see a first class with a young Cyclops, substituting Jean for Emma Frost as a love interest, and a young intellectual pre-fur Beast. Maybe fleshing out the group with others from that escaping group of mutants.

In the continuity Scott was already a student when Jean came along, and Iceman and Angel don’t join until much later.

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31 thoughts on “Bryan Singer to Direct First Class

  1. The way I see it, I feel that the X-Men Franchise his to grow from what it was a decade ago.

    I actually like what they are doing with X-Men, Passing the leadership onto Wolverine rather than having Cyclopes always being the leader.

    At least that’s what I’ve put together.

  2. [quote]Should be interesting to see an X-Film that isn’t about Wolverine though. I know he is the most popular of all the X-Men, but honestly… there has been 4 films in the franchise thus far and everything spirals around his character. Let’s move on.[/quote]

    Agree completely, I never liked Jackson as Wolverine and I don’t like the character Wolverine. It turned me off from the movies.

  3. Man, this is a tough call for me.

    While part of me is thrilled that Singer is returning, I’m just not that pumped up about First Class. While it would be interesting to see an X-Men flick without Wolverine, I would not rule out a cameo or, better yet, a loose tie-in to Wolverine II.

    Here’s why I’m NOT thrilled about First Class.
    Same problem I had with Wolverine. Nice FX, some nice action, but with the main characters living on to fight (or die) another day, there is almost no jeopardy.

    Now, it should be pointed out that Magneto could be part of the film. I would not rule out a young Cyclops. Or Emma Frost/White Queen. I think Beast is a given.

    I guess I’m 50/50 on this. But one thing is clear: I’m not geeked out by any means.

  4. I haven’t been excited about this film project, but with Bryan Singer coming back I am very hopeful — I’ll say YAY! And yes, we don’t need Wolverine for an X-Men movie, in fact, I’m a little excited to see one without him. Give us some old fashion Xavier School for the Gifted.

  5. I see Scott, Emma, Storm and Beast, almost for sure… Others may include a Gambit cameo (already introduced in this timeline) and I hope to see maybe Mimic, Havok, Wolfsbane, Polaris, Banshee, or some other oldies.

      1. Magneto’s family is going to be a tough draw with Scarlet Witch technically an Avengers catalogue character. (Fox only has chartered X-Characters and villains)

        Deadpool will be getting his own film, so cameo at best, and I don’t see them putting a Gambit in here, but if they ever get around to XMen 4, I’d like to see some contraversy with a 40 year old Gambit picking up a 20 something Rogue. lol

      2. i can see havok n banshee in this, and im still ticked that they never put quicksilver or scarlett witch in the movie…i think x-3 wouldve been a lot better if they had scarlett witch go crazy n not jean

  6. Awesome, glad to hear this.

    As much as I wish the movies were more like the comics, at least Singer still made the first 2 movies pretty damn good.

    Can’t wait to see how this turns out.

  7. I think the obsession with wolverine is that he is one of the few xmen that has to actually physically fight. Controlling the weather, moving objects with your mind, shooting beams from your eyes are all cool powers but watching that on screen is not the same as watching someone going head to head with their opponent.

    Watching someone shoot laser beams at someone their own size would get boring. Maybe we will see a sentinel or something huge in this that will require a shit load of cgi. Cgi that wouldn’t have looked so good when the first x-men came out.

  8. I am sorry but I never liked Jackman as wolverine, He just has this cheese about him and I am so glad to have an x-men movie without him. I am so tired of seeing these movies locked into reality let the fantasy fly, take us away, and lets spotlight some new mutants.

    1. I agree that wolverine should not be in the spotlight now

      I completely disagree that jackman is subpar. He is perfect for the role. Noone else could do it as good.

      1. i still think jason statham would kill as wolverine, hes short, angry, and im man enough to say fits the body type of logan. jackman did pretty well, but he was too soft n pretty

      2. Logan is 5’3″

        No one is his body type.

        Jackman didnt just play it well, he made it his own and did something with it that made the role identifiable with the actor.

        Changing actors after focusing SO much on one guy creating the role would be like finding someone else to play Indiana Jones.

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