Bryan Singer talks more X-Men First Class

In an interview with HeatVision Blog, Bryan singer got talking about everything that is on his plate and touched a little more on X-Men First Class and though he didn’t spill the plot, he does say it will revolve around the formation of the school which inevitably leads to its elite students being formed into the X-Men. This means Magneto will be involved.

Heatvision Blog quotes:

Heat Vision: What is the story?

Singer: I can’t tell you that; it’s secret. But it’s basically about the formation of the X-Men. How they began and the relationship between a young Xavier and a young Magneto.

Singer raves about his writer Jamie Moss, and he also explains that having First Class deal with a younger Magneto, that it will tread on any story they had planned for Magneto’s stand alone film – which means it likely wont happen now.

I imagine the film will pick up right around or just after Xavier rescuing the mutant kids from the Weapon X fallout. Which of course is where my assumptions about the cast might come from. I kind of hope they do a pre-Jean Grey XMen.

I worried that Magneto wouldn’t have enough broad appeal to really hold up his own film, so I like the idea that they would incorporate it into First Class telling his story from the formation of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

The interview also hits up on his other projects like Battlestar Galactica, Jack the Giant Killer and a TV project with my favourite TV Writer Bryan Fuller called SelleVision for NBC.

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17 thoughts on “Bryan Singer talks more X-Men First Class

  1. First of all I thought Halle Berry kicked ass as Storm in X-Men 3. Angela is too old to play Storm, I’m sorry, she’s amazing but she’s too old. Also I have no idea where Andy gets this crap about Stan mot liking Storm. I’ve heard him say things to the effect that….Storm is one of the crown jewels of the marvel universe, and it’s f’n true!

    Now onto X-Men First Class. I hope they will include at least Storm, Cyke, & Jean. I’d also love to see Beast & Emma. As for new Banshee, Polaris, Havok would be of those who I would like to see brought in. This had better be bad ass.

  2. I don’t know why everyone has such a mad-on for Storm in the first place. Stan the Man himself (creator of the X-Men) doesn’t like the character. The fact that Halle Berry was cast is moot to the me. Kill the character.

    1. and how do figure that Stan doesn’t like Storm when its one of his most famous Characters???? He has never spoken bad of the character either…so thts a little unfounded

  3. Halle Berry: I always thought that David Bowie’s hot model wife Iman(or something)was a dead ringer for Storm too bad shes too old..

    BattleStar Gallatica really?

  4. Rodney,
    I worry about a Magneto movie for the same reasons. Mainly because I think the masses would find a Magneto origin story done correctly, boring. Magneto may have one of the deepest and most human background stories of any comic character. We’ve already seen how the masses react to a comic movie that get’s too deep “Superman Return”. People seem to want action and explosions. As successful as Iron Man was, there were still complaints that there wasn’t enough action. I’d imagine a Magneto story done right would look a lot like Schindler’s list. Not saying it wouldn’t be a great movie, but I think it would play more to a nitch crowd. Maybe they could do a Magneto story based on his formation of the Brotherhood of Evil mutants and throw Wanda to Pietro in there for good measure. Leave his origin alone.

    1. Im of the opinion that Superman Returns is one of the better comic book films out there. I would have hoped that other films follow that style of character building and patience in telling a story. It seems as though Singer wont get the chance to continue the story, which was my most anticipated film…oh well. The next best thing would have been Millar getting his shot at an epic trilogy that rexplores the origin story and ends with the earths yellow sun going nova…would have been great, but I guess we’ll get something rushed and littered with pointless explosions and characters we dont care about.

      1. Superman Returns was bad for two reasons. One: The kid. The single greatest appeal of Superman is that he is a man alone. The Last Son of Krypton. Giving him a child, even one that is half-human, takes that lonely feeling away from the character. Two: The Kryptonite Continent. In Superman: The Movie, Superman was almost completely incapacitated and drowning from a single meteorite of Kryptonite around his neck. In Superman Returns, he’s somehow able to lift an entire continent of the stuff out into space. He should have died, or at least lost consciousness, in the upper atmosphere.

  5. I sure hope they do a better job casting this time around. frikkin Halle Berry ruined the X-Men movies for me, it was ludicrous she was cast as Storm!

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed!

      1. i agree with anti…the casting turned me off in the x movies…angela basset wouldve been a great storm…and ill never stop saying jason statham was born to be wolverine.

      2. The last time they tried to make up a Canadian accent for Wolverine he sounded Australian… and that failed animated pilot (Pryde of the X-Men) killed any chance at an animated series for a decade.

        Just sayin. Statham can’t drop the accent. I don’t care how badass he is, I can’t see him as Wolverine.

  6. I don’t see what this has to do with a magneto movie. I always thought it would start in the concentration camp and work up to the time he met Xavier. This movie would take place after that. Magneto could be a prequel to the prequel.

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