Red Velvet goes Direct To DVD on Demand

This looks like it might have a little something that strays from the stereotypes of direct to dvd horror, but it caught my eye because of the name on the poster. Henry Thomas, the kid from E.T. – not that he hasn’t been in anything else, just that this is the first I have noticed in a long time.

Check out the trailer:

But aside from it looking like it might not be a half bad flick, I was impressed by the news that it will be using a unique distribution method.

Dread Central shares:

Red Velvet will be available exclusively on through CreateSpace DVD on Demand, a solution which manufactures DVDs only in response to customer demand, making it an innovative manufacturing and distribution solution for television networks and filmmakers alike.

The stigma of Direct to Video is a stink that is hard to outrun. Not saying everything DTV will automatically suck, but there seems to be an air of “The Studios didn’t think this would make money in a theater so hopefully you rent it” level of risk to it.

But with an on demand distribution system that has videos purchased and created to order reduces the risk of overstock (and therefore profit loss). For those films that a studio likes enough to stand behind, but not enough to stand in front of, this is a perfect solution.

I am not saying this will put an end to the $4.99 bin at WalMart, but it certainly offers an alternative to some of those smaller films that you might not otherwise see. Ever.

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7 thoughts on “Red Velvet goes Direct To DVD on Demand

  1. I hope it turns out to be a good flick and sells well; Cloak & Dagger was my favorite movie as a kid. I’ve thought this kind of distribution should have been the norm a while ago.

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