Peter Berg takes on Hercules

Peter Berg was last heard to be taking on the classic SciFi novel DUNE to the big screen, and now it seems he is taking on another classic. Hercules.

Cinematical taps:

The plot synopsis for the series describes Hercules as a “tormented soul … neither god nor man.” When the King of Thrace hires him “to train his men to become the greatest army of all time,” Herc and his buddies are prompted to consider whey they have such a ruthless, bloodthirsty reputation. Berg intends to stay true to the “conflicts and redemption” in Moore’s character-driven comic book series.

As I recently offered up a review on the Clash of the Titans, it is no secret that I love stories about ancient myth and the Gods of Lore.

Now I have not read this comic, so I don’t know the story, but it sounds to me like they are treading on dangerous ground here. I say dangerous, because the last time they tried to make a character driven movie about a super strong Hero that had to deal with being more than a man and being rejected by men… well it was the Hulk. The first one. Yeah, that one most of you didn’t like.

It is a hard sell to take an iconic character known for his physical strength and try to put a character driven story in it. Believe me, I would still like to see it. I like stories to be more than just action and explosions, but honestly, sometimes you just want “Hulk Smash!!”

This may have been a wonderful comic, and I am sure there will be some action in it, but I worry that it won’t be accepted well. Granted if you are going to take a tormented super strong hero of legend, Hercules is the guy to hit up. His stories are many and all are epic.

On a side note, the Marvel comics Hercules was a member of the Avengers, and though the lineup is not finalized for the 2011 movie, do you think this comic book adapted version would cause them to leave him out? Or will they just skip him because they already have a God among Men (Thor) signed on for the flick?

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One thought on “Peter Berg takes on Hercules

  1. That’s a *very* good question. I even think there’s a DC Herc, but I could be mistaken.

    The idea that Marvel would have (hopefully) Iron Man (or War Machine?), Thor, Cap, Ant-Man, Wasp and Pym (Giant Man/Yellowjacket…if he isn’t Ant-Man and Scott Lang is) I mean that’s a huge enough roster to start. The Hulk might also be a party to it. Marvel’s Herc isn’t needed. Not that I’m against it, it’s simply that I don’t see it.


    As for this version? Meh.

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