Judge William Terrell Hodges Gives Wesley A Break

Wesley Snipes Mugshot-1Wesley Snipes will have a window of freedom to film as he waits for his appeal. We get the scoop from the hideout caves of Yahoo:

Wesley Snipes will be allowed to leave the United States to work on two movies while his lawyers appeal his tax convictions. Federal judge William Terrell Hodges on Wednesday approved the actor’s motion to travel to London and Bangkok, Thailand. Snipes will be in England about three days this month for post-production editing of “Gallowwalker,” and in Thailand for eight weeks to film “Chasing the Dragon.”

A jury convicted the action star in February of three counts of willfully failing to file his income taxes. The 45-year-old Snipes, star of the “Blade” trilogy, “White Men Can’t Jump” and “Jungle Fever” among other films, has appealed the convictions and his three-year prison sentence to the 11th Circuit Court in Atlanta.

Run Wesley! Run For The Hills! I hope Snipes ditches out and lives in an underground fortress in Thailand!….not really, but I would pump my fist in the air if he did.

Even though Wesley is most likely going to the big house, I think it’ s wise and fair that the judge will let him work in the meantime. These productions are counting on Snipes and it would be a loss for all involved if he wasn’t able to contribute. The judge has no doubt saved jobs and many, many headaches for the production team.

I am still holding out for an appeal, I don’t want Wesley to go to the slammer and hope that his lawyers are able to use their law magic to free him.

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6 thoughts on “Judge William Terrell Hodges Gives Wesley A Break

  1. I have to say, seeing a celeb committing a crime and actually being caught and properly punished for once sits well with me indeed. The courts should use this as a precedent and make punishments harsher. “With great power comes …” and all that yunno?

    Pity it had to be someone who’s movies I have occasionally enjoyed though. Why couldn’t it be one of these socialite tramps like Hilton being put in jail for the 5-10 years she deserves rather than the month or so she got in a comfort jail …

  2. Why all the support for him tho? Did he not break the law? Wouldn’t average joe go to jail for a while if he did the same thing? But since Snipes is a celebrity he obviously didn’t know better?

    Correct me if I’m wrong…

  3. We need some Free Wesley shirts made. You can shoot, stab, rape, and pretty much any other offense in the book if you’re a celeb but if you don’t pay Da Man…oh snap, you’re going to jail. Good to know what really matters to our government…MONEY.

    Maybe he can blend in with the Chinese like Vanessa Williams in Eraser.

  4. @Al
    Snipes has been doing a number of DTV films for some time; some of them okay (Contractor) some not okay. (Marksman).


    While I would more than welcome Snipes’ return to the big screen, it is my hope that in between the action films (or even Blade 4, should it come to pass), he goes back into comedies or dramas.

    BTW, seeing how Snipes has the leave the US to do these films…I think if these productions do in fact cover the fine/back tax if not all of it…

    I wouldn’t call for an early celebration, but I’ll buy the wine just the same; sounds a lot like the appeal(s) will win over. Worst case Snipes gets a reduced sentence.

  5. What the hell happen to Wesley? He’s struck doing lame B-hell direct-to-DVD movies. Did he do something to get blacklisted from the big studios?

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