Batman Trailer vs Dark Knight Trailer

TMB Alum Wormwood tipped me off to this video comparing the 1989 Batman Trailer to the 2008 Dark Knight Trailer.

It would be a stretch to think this happened completely by coincidence. The pacing, clips and content match up so precisely that it must have been intentional.

Edit: I have been had. I was under the impression that it was the original Trailer but instead this is a fan edit of the original trailer set pace to the Dark Knight Trailer.
It still looks really good both ways. Very cool stuff.

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13 thoughts on “Batman Trailer vs Dark Knight Trailer

  1. Well, sorry about that I guess.. I saw it at what was that, 4 am? Didn’t bother researching.. the “Share on Facebook” button was way too easy to press.. Oopsie.

  2. I know it was a fan edit. But when I first seen the street scene where joker is in the middle of the street and batman is coming full tilt in one of his fancy vechicles I thought of it as a tribute to the original film which had a very very similar scene.

  3. It turns out the 89 Batman Trailer was a fan edit. Still cool though.

    If they had edited the Dark Knight Trailer to be like the REAL 89 Batman trailer I dont think it would have been as good. I found a real Batman trailer and its nothing like this one.

    Shows you how much of an impact a good trailer makes!

  4. Thats a pretty good tongue in cheek nod to the fans of Burton and Batman ’89.

    Thats pretty sharp if someone actually picked up on that, or if the studio couldnt keep it to themselves.

  5. love it. call me a fanboy, but if that’s the actual trailer (for the 89 version) i LOVE that they set up the 08 trailer that way. love it love it love it. film i’m looking forward to most this summer.

  6. Wow…that is sad.

    I understand the term “no need to reinvent the wheel”, but this is just sad…

    This has actually hurt my anticipation for The Dark Knight.

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