Dane Cook Action Star?

It looks like comedian Dane Cook is branching out into all sorts of films and has his sights set on becoming an action star. We get the scoop thanks to an interview Dane had with our friends at MTV Movies Blog:

Believe it, Cook teased, saying he’s getting ready to give the Superfinger to crime in “Dead Already,” a buddy cop movie “in the vein of ‘Lethal Weapon.’” “Dead Already” is just one of several action pictures Cook currently has in various stages of development, he said. But regardless of the movie he ultimately chooses, entering the action genre is definitely “the game plan next,” he insisted.

“When I see a movie like a ‘Rush Hour’ or something I always find myself saying I’d love to do something in and around that world,” he said. “If you know my comedy than you know that I love physical comedy. I’m just a person that likes to use physicality and language.”

I am not a fan of Dane Cook’s comedic stylings. This does not mean that I think he is without talent, it’s just that his brand of humor is not my cup of tea. He has legions of fans that do consider him to be hilarious and I am glad they enjoy his work. I am a little confused why Dane would branch out into action films when he has not yet established himself as a comedic actor. I liked him in the mediocre Employee Of The Month, and certainly think that his future in film should be in comedic roles.

I get concerned when you say you want to do an action film like Rush Hour. I do not like the Rush Hour films, I think they suck. If it were not for the Kung-Fu mastery of Jackie Chan they would be a total right off. I like to have HA HA in comedy films and DOOM in my action films. I don’t mind the odd joke in an action film, but I hate when they try to mash these genres together, you get a watered down action film and a lame comedy.

It sounds like Dane Cook has a few action films on deck, so we will see how this plays out. Who knows, he could turn out to be the next Bruce Willis and surprise us all. I simply think that it would be wiser for him, and more exciting for his fans if he focused on comedy alone. International friends, what do you think?

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14 thoughts on “Dane Cook Action Star?

  1. Personally I think Dane Cook’s time is over. I can actually see him in movies like this because his acting is as annoying as Chris Tucker’s in Rush Hour. God imagine those two in the same movie…

    What sucks is I really enjoyed the movie “Mr. Brooks” but hated the fact that Cook was in it, he seemed to be out of place amongst the talent on screen.

  2. I agree that Waiting was a great comedy and, as I recall Dane Cook was the the set up for the punch line of the film. But his stand up stuff just isn’t as good as, say, George Carlin or even Joe Rogan… I just don’t see why Dane Cook is that popular.

  3. “We need to send robots back in time to prevent Dane Cook from ever being born”


    Greatest Comment Ever
    I hate Dane Cook, his best scene was his death scene in Mr. Brooks. Haji

  4. Dane Cook in action comedy? C’mon, didn’t anyone see that movie he did with Dennis Rodman, called Simon Sez? Absolutely atrocious. Please Dane Cook, go away.

  5. Okay, I’m going out on a limb here and say–*most* comedies are not funny. Boo. Hiss. IMO there is however one exception , Elf. LOL.

    I think Dane Cook is smart to try new things. I have never seen him in a movie simply because I don’t like them as mentioned earlier, but how many comedies are Will Ferrel or Steve Carrel going to do. And until I just wrote it I didn’t even realize their names were so close in spelling, which I think reiterates what I am going to say.

    Keep doing comedies and they don’t get funnier…It’s like seeing the same movie over and over again. It’s like after the first Big Mac, who really wants another?

    Everytime I see a Jack Nicholson movie or Al Pacino movie I don’t call it by it’s movie name, but by it’s actor’s name.

    I think we should remember that character and story drive a movie and, so hopefully as 3. miles so boldy laid it down…Maybe Dane Cook can act like less of one.

  6. “I want the acidy spit!!*.”

    I like Dane Cook. However, I haven’t seen any of his movies, except of Waiting, which I thought the very few lines he had was hilarious. Even, though I am a fan of Cook, I just don’t know about him in action movies, I hope that he turns out to be a great action actor but I just don’t know.

  7. i dont know if its just me……but i dont see why people think dane cook is funny……he just seems like a douche (props white people, i love that word, lol)

    i didnt see good luck chuck…..but vicious circle was pretty weak…can anyone tell me his appeal

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