Drunken frat boys sue Borat

borat.jpgWe all say regrettable things when we’re drunk, but unless we’re Mel Gibson most of the time it doesn’t ruin our reputations. That is, of course unless a film crew and Borat happen to be in town. The folks over at yahoonews.com give us this:

SANTA MONICA, Calif. – Two fraternity boys want to make lawsuit against “Borat” over their drunken appearance in the hit movie. The legal action filed Thursday on their behalf claims they were duped into appearing in the spoof documentary “Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan,” in which they made racist and sexist comments on camera. The young men “engaged in behavior that they otherwise would not have engaged in,” the lawsuit says.

The plaintiffs were not named in the lawsuit “to protect themselves from any additional and unnecessary embarrassment.” They were identified in the movie as fraternity members from a South Carolina university.
The lawsuit claims that in October 2005, a production crew took the students to a bar to drink and “loosen up” before participating in what they were told would be a documentary to be shown outside of the United States.

“They were induced to agree to participate and were told the name of the fraternity and the name of their school wouldn’t be used,” said the plaintiffs’ attorney, Olivier Taillieu. “They were put into an RV and were made to believe they were picking up Borat the hitchhiker.” After a bout of heavy drinking, the plaintiffs signed a release form they were told “had something to do with reliability issues with being in the RV,” Taillieu said.Studio spokesman Gregg Brilliant said the lawsuit “has no merit.”

The plaintiffs were seeking an injunction to stop the studio from displaying their image and likeness, along with unspecified monetary damages

This lawsuit makes me think. This isn’t the first time that it has been said that people didn’t know the exact nature of the Borat film when they agreed to be on camera. And if these boys were given alcohol before a release form to sign…well….that is a bit sneaky of the Borat film crew. I bet these guys have had a lot of grief over this being in the movie. I have no doubt that their reputations have been tarnished.

And I say good.

I do not believe that they “engaged in behavior that they would have otherwise not have”. Maybe not in front of cameras, but that is the point of making a film with reality involved, the goal is to capture people doing things that normally they wouldn’t do on camera. And if they make racist and sexist comments drunk when a camera is rolling they probably do it when the cameras aren’t on as well.

What’s really gotten these boys mad is that they are probably not getting laid as much, their parents are no doubt catching grief from the neighbors for raising racists and are therefore pissed off at the naughty frat boys. And maybe some professors who they were able to manipulate have now wised up.

But they signed an agreement, maybe they did sign it drunk, maybe the crew twisted the truth. Or perhaps they were told everything up front and then after they saw the final result decided to say that they were tricked to save face. All I know is that if they were so concerned with their image they shouldn’t have been talking derogatively about women and minorities, if they were told that this was a documentary for another country then they wouldn’t have been just tarnishing their reputations, they would have been tarnishing America as well.

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18 thoughts on “Drunken frat boys sue Borat

  1. thes kids are crazy talkin about minorities have the upper hand their just some ignorant ass white kids talking crazy they said we should still have slaves they were hammered nun the less but they looked like real assholes i think its great that they prolly feel really stupid cause from what they said it sure as hell seems so lol

  2. thes kids are crazy talkin about minorities have the upper hand their just some ignorant ass white kids talking crazy they said we should still have slaves they were hammered nun the less but they looked like real assholes i think its great that they prolly feel really stupid cause from what they said it sure as hell seems so lol

  3. These whiny little turds should just live with it. THEY got drunk. THEY said these things. They make it sound as if the producers FORCED alcohol down their poor little throats and then duped them into signing. I don’t believe that for an instant. Besides, alcohol cannot put foreign ideas into your head– all it does is remove inhibitions. I think it’s frightening that these guys really think that way. They’re just embarrassed that their ugly personalities have been laid bare for their mothers and girlfriends and peers to see. How dare they try to blame that on someone else? They should try to scrape together what morals and dignity they have left, apologize for saying those things, and suck it up. They made fools of THEMSELVES. Furthermore, they ought to get some counseling and figure out what the heck they’re so angry about that they say they want women to be slaves, and that they think that minorities rule the country. Scary, scary young men.

  4. What abunch of jack asses. The whole idea of Borat hanging with some college kids from the south was to expliot the southern stereotype. The whole movie was about explioting American stereotypes, and it was hilarious. Those jackasses from South Carolina justshowed the world how ignorant they really are.

  5. Oh yah, they didn’t really mean what they said…pathetic…sorry boys, but we all saw what true losers you are…so shut up and try to be better next time….

  6. The sad thing is that if these guys said NOTHING then they could have probably gone through life without anyone realizing that THEY were the guys in the film.

    (I don’t that their professors found out about this, John.)

    And, honestly, there’s a decent chance that unless you knew ALL of those guys personally, you’d just watch that 3-minute sequence in the film with the curious feeling that “Oh, that guy kind of looks like [name of person]”.

    By going public with this they bring SO much more attention on their involvement and basically reveal to the world that they said racist/sexist things! So, BASICALLY, by suing they’re in effect saying that MONEY is so important to them that they’ll bring the public accusations of being racist/sexist upon them, that being suspected of being those things doesn’t bother them that much!

  7. lmao…sure looked like they had a great time in the movie though. You would think they would be getting all kinds of movie offers. Geesh..they are famous…whats there to sue for.

  8. Everyone’s a victim in our society today. If I do something or say something stupid, it must be someone else’s fault. So I’m going to spend hundreds of hours and dollars to make sure I highlight how frackin stupid I really am in a court hearing.

    Dumb asses.


  9. Hey… Can I sue the guys for causing me stress by being so ridiculously stupid? Everyone else sues, and never takes responsibility for their actions! Crap like this just never ceases to amaze me.

  10. Hmmm…

    So they were ‘tricked’ into signing a release, and related legal documents?

    So these two suffer from emotional stress?

    The interesting thing about this suit is that it isn’t one of them doing this, it is both.
    But, when you stop and think it over, folks, would it have been better if they could keep the cakehole shut…and spin it?

    “They told us to say some of those things. We didn’t mean them. That’s not how we really are. We were in a movie featuring the character Borat….we were in on a joke”

    May not be complelety accurate, but you get the idea.

  11. Were they tricked? Yes. Was the crew totally truthful with them? No. Do they have a good reason to be upset? Yes. BUT…

    The crew didn’t tell them to say “Fuck bitches and don’t call them again”. That my dear friends, they came up with all on their own, they said it on their own, they choose to say it and no one put them up to it.

    Live with it you morons. You got busted, plain and simple… now save yoursself a little dignity and take it like men.

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