God Bless China Town

deal.jpgAll right, just stop what you’re doing for just a second. — Now, sit back and basque in the glory of this receipt.

Look at that….

10 DVDs for 40 bucks…… that’s FORTY!! The only thing that feels better is that dream where you start pissin’ your pants…

HMV, Sam the Record Man, Best Buy, Future Shop… Y’all can KISS MY wildly hairy BUTT !!!!

Ooohh, look at us, we have a 2 for $30 shelf… La Dee Frickin DAH.

These ain’t cheesy screener pirated movies either.. they’re very real. And very cheap. I shall spend the rest of my week watching Ju-on 1,2 and The Grudge, Infernal Affairs II and III, Ping Pong, Go, Phone, Shiver and Battle Royale. I love my life.

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5 thoughts on “God Bless China Town

  1. I got this round in Toronto’s China Town. I gather that most China Town’s would at least have a DVD store similar to the number that Toronto’s got — the only thing being, China Towns large enough are usually only found in larger cities, which in Canada, can be few and far between…

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